HomeVideo GamesDishonored Creator Hints At Next Immersive Sim, Saying "Give My Team A...

Dishonored Creator Hints At Next Immersive Sim, Saying “Give My Team A Couple Of Years”

Raphaël Colantonio, co-creator of Dishonored, recently responded to a Twitter post lamenting the scarcity of indie games inspired by Deus Ex and Morrowind. In his cryptic reply, he teased, “Give me and my team a couple of years.” This enigmatic statement has sparked speculation among gaming enthusiasts, hinting at the possibility of a new immersive sim experience on the horizon.

The original post highlighted the absence of titles reminiscent of Deus Ex and Morrowind in the indie game scene, despite the so-called “indie game revolution.” While these two games may not belong to the same genre, they share a common thread of offering players multiple-choice narrative paths and minimal hand-holding. This approach to plot decision-making has resonated with gamers, fostering a desire for more immersive sim experiences in the gaming landscape.

Colantonio, known for his work at Arkane Studios on acclaimed titles like Dishonored and Prey, left the studio in 2017 citing creative anxiety and a desire to prioritize family time. However, he resurfaced a few years later, founding WolfEye Studios. The studio’s debut title, Weird West, released in 2022 to positive reviews, blending top-down action RPG elements with immersive sim mechanics. With Colantonio at the helm of WolfEye Studios, anticipation mounts as fans eagerly await what the future holds for the immersive sim genre.

The immersive sim genre, characterized by its emphasis on player agency and rich narrative experiences, has always defied easy categorization. Often described as “action games with player agency” or “narratively-rich shooters,” these definitions only scratch the surface of what defines an immersive sim. Series like Deus Ex, Hitman, and Dishonored exemplify this genre, offering players a deep level of interaction with the game world and the freedom to approach challenges in multiple ways.

In these immersive sims, players are thrust into meticulously crafted worlds with minimal guidance, encouraging exploration and experimentation. Whether navigating the dystopian future of Deus Ex or the steampunk-inspired streets of Dishonored’s Dunwall, players are empowered to shape their own experiences through their choices and actions. This unique blend of gameplay mechanics and narrative depth has garnered a dedicated following among gamers, making the immersive sim genre a staple of the gaming industry.

As Colantonio hints at the possibility of a new immersive sim project in the works, fans eagerly await more details about what his team at WolfEye Studios has in store. With his track record of creating innovative and compelling gaming experiences, there’s no doubt that whatever comes next will continue to push the boundaries of the immersive sim genre, offering players new worlds to explore and stories to unravel. Only time will tell what awaits us in the immersive sim landscape, but one thing is certain: the future looks promising for fans of this beloved genre.


An Implacable Style

The immersive sim style has all the time been a difficult one to even outline, “motion video games with participant company,” and “narratively-rich shooters,” – these definitions come shut, however don’t fairly encapsulate the whole lot an immersive sim is.

Deus Ex, Hitman, Thief, Dishonored, Alien: Isolation, BioShock, System Shock, are the sorts of collection that folks consider once they consider immersive sims. There’s quite a lot of participant company, and also you’re usually thrust into the worlds of those video games with out extreme route.

Dishonored Creator Hints At Next Immersive Sim, Saying “Give My Team A Couple Of Years”

Colantonio’s significant contribution to Dishonored, widely regarded as one of the best immersive sims ever created, underscores his prowess in shaping immersive gaming experiences. Fans of his previous work, particularly Dishonored, and enthusiasts of the immersive sim genre should keep a close eye on WolfEye Studios to catch a glimpse of what they have in store for the future. As anticipation builds for any announcements regarding their upcoming projects, the gaming community eagerly awaits to see how Colantonio’s vision will shape the next chapter in immersive gaming.

Meanwhile, Ken Levine, the mastermind behind BioShock, is currently working on Judas, an immersive sim project described as a collection of “narrative building blocks.” Additionally, the remaining half of Colantonio’s former studio, Arkane, is involved in developing Blade, another immersive sim-type experience. With these notable figures and studios dedicated to pushing the boundaries of the immersive sim genre, there’s hope for a potential resurgence in the coming years, promising exciting new adventures for fans of immersive storytelling and player-driven gameplay experiences.


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