HomeReviewsEvery NPC that gifts you Pawn Specialization Tomes in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Every NPC that gifts you Pawn Specialization Tomes in Dragon’s Dogma 2

In Dragon’s Dogma 2, Pawn Specialization Tomes could appear arduous to come back by. Because of the hands-off nature of the sport, not many are to know that so many NPCs will present you these Tomes so long as you’re good to them.

So long as you elevate an NPC’s affinity sufficient, they’ll provide you with a present. Many NPCs will present you a Pawn Specialization Tome so that you can use. Under is each NPC that can present you a Tome, which Tome they’ll present, and the place you could find them.

This info was initially extrapolated by Reddit person ividyon and shared in a Reddit publish. Though the info sheet they made is extremely detailed, it isn’t the simplest to extrapolate info from, so I’ve simplified the essential info right here. It additionally doesn’t record the place you’ll be able to truly discover every NPC.

Notice that not all info of NPC places are public information. Within the case of location, I’ll recommend a attainable location based mostly on their portrait.

Each NPC that items the Woodland Wordsmith’s Tome in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Dragon's Dogma 2 Elvish
Picture: Capcom

The Woodland Wordsmith Pawn Specialization permits your Pawn to grasp the Elvish language.

Listed below are all of the NPCs who will present The Woodland Wordsmith Tome to you.

NPC Title NPC location
Agrael Probably in Sacred Arbor
Amras Probably in Sacred Arbor
Caladomia Probably in Sacred Arbor
Cecilia Probably in Sacred Arbor
Eldart Sacred Arbor
Exelion Probably in Sacred Arbor
Fearoth Probably in Sacred Arbor
Fiorina Probably in Sacred Arbor
Grisha Sacred Arbor
Idorial Probably in Sacred Arbor
Kough Sacred Arbor, Kough’s Inn
Lenbren Probably in Sacred Arbor
Leonel Probably in Sacred Arbor
Lindoll Probably in Sacred Arbor
Linneisl Sacred Arbor
Luomir Probably in Sacred Arbor
Lutia Probably in Sacred Arbor
Magrol Probably in Sacred Arbor
Myglin Probably in Sacred Arbor
Nellas Probably in Sacred Arbor
Odhran Probably in Sacred Arbor
Seachlann Probably in Sacred Arbor
Sivven Probably in Sacred Arbor
Throndir Probably in Sacred Arbor
Tylion Probably in Sacred Arbor
Zekloa Probably in Sacred Arbor

Each NPC that items the Forager’s Tome in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Dragon's Dogma 2 Wilderness Map Markers
Screenshot: gamerjive

The Forager Pawn Specialization will spotlight supplies in your map that’s used to boost your tools.

Listed below are all of the NPCs who will present the Forager’s Tome to you.

NPC Title NPC location
Aimee Vernworth
Albert Vernworth
Alessa At all times on the transfer
Alois Vernworth
Alphonse Probably in Bakbattalh
Arno Probably in Vernworth
Aurgie Vernworth
Benton Vernworth
Blythe At all times on the transfer
Bridget Probably all the time on the transfer
Burnns Vernworth
Catherine Probably in Vernworth
Dante Checkpoint Relaxation City
Daphne Vernworth
Daury Probably in Vernworth
Dinniel Probably in Vernworth
Dommel Vernworth
Dorica Probably in Bakbattahl
Edda Vernworth
Erik Probably in Vernworth
Eternna Probably in Venworth
Eva Probably in Bakbattahl
Evelyn Probably in Vernworth
Felicia Probably in Bakbattahl
Felix Probably in Vernworth
Fiachra Vernworth
Flaude Anonymous City
Francisca Probably in Vernworth
Galmul Probably in Vernworth
Garrack Probably in Vernworth
Gilmir Probably all the time on the transfer
Harvey Vernworth
Hoffman Probably in Vernworth
Ilona Probably all the time on the transfer
Irena Probably in Checkpoint Relaxation City or Anonymous Village
Jeremy Probably in Vernworth
Jill Probably all the time on the transfer
Jinn Probably in Bakbattahl
Johannes Vernworth
Johnson Probably in Vernworth
Juliana Vernworth
Kiera Probably all the time on the transfer
Lawrence Vernworth
Lepak Probably in Vernworth
Lillian Bakbattahl
Litra Anonymous Village
Madeline Probably in Bakbattahl
Magorr Probably in Bakbattahl
Malcolm Vernworth
Margaret Vernworth
Matilda Probably in Vernworth
Meredia Probably in Vernworth
Monika Vernworth
Niles Bakbattahl
Raelia Probably in Bakbattahl
Rakim Probably in Bakbattahl
Ramon Probably in Vernworth
Reijo Probably in Vernworth
Richare Probably in Anonymous Village or Harve Village
Rick Vernworth
Rivage Elder Harve Village
Rodge Checkpoint Relaxation City
Roy Vernworth
Sanchen Probably in Vernworth
Sandra Vernworth
Sebastian Vernworth
Senna Probably in Vernworth
Serra Probably in Vernworth
Suzan Probably all the time on the transfer
Thed Vernworth
Thor Checkpoint Relaxation City
Toumi Checkpoint Relaxation City
Trekk Probably in Bakbattahl
Trysha Eini’s Dwelling
Vlasiy Vernworth
Zyanya Probably in Vernworth

Each NPC that items the Logistician’s Tome in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Best ways to prepare for nighttime in Dragon's Dogma 2
Screenshot: gamerjive

The Logistician Pawn Specialization will enable that Pawn to mix supplies and shift objects between allies’ packs.

Listed below are all of the NPCs who will present the Logistician’s Tome to you.

NPC Title NPC location
Alezio Probably in Bakbattahl
Amanda Probably in Vernworth
Amir Probably in Bakbattahl
Auriol Vernworth
Austin Probably in Vernworth
Bertran Probably in Bakbattahl
Bruno Checkpoint Relaxation City
Clarith Probably in Vernworth
Clyde Probably in Vernworth
Deo Probably in Bakbattahl
Elcela Probably in Bakbattahl
Ezekiel Probably in Bakbattahl
Fabia Probably in Vernworth
Fern Probably in Bakbattahl
Folkes Checkpoint Relaxation City
Garrett Vernworth
Glenna Vernworth
Hayne Checkpoint Relaxation City
Henricks Checkpoint Relaxation City
Howard Probably in Vernworth
Hughie Probably in Bakbattahl
Ivanna Probably in Vernworth
Johanna Probably in Bakbattahl
Karlheinz Bakbattahl
Katrina Probably in Vernworth
Keane Probably in Bakbattahl
Keaton Bakbattahl
Kendrick Vernworth
Kevine Probably in Vernworth
Landar Vernworth
Lazare Flamebearer Palace
Logge Probably in Bakbattahl
Marett Probably in Melve
Martha Probably in Harve Village or Anonymous Village
Marthe Probably all the time on the transfer
Millei Probably in Bakbattahl
Offulve Checkpoint Relaxation City
Olivia Probably in Vernworth
Severino Probably in Vernworth
Sheona Probably in Harve Village or Anonymous Village
Tania Probably in Vernworth
Torrence Probably all the time on the transfer
Tyrell Volcanic Island Camp
Wade Probably in Vernworth
Walter Vernworth
Wanda Probably in Vernworth

Each NPC that items the Aphonite’s Tome in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Throw Pawn In Dragon's Dogma 2
Screenshot: gamerjive

The Aphonite Pawn Specialization will restrict what a Pawn says to solely sure essential phrases.

Listed below are all of the NPCs who will present the Aphonite’s Tome to you.

NPC Title NPC location
Amie Vernworth
Botanika Probably in Vernworth
Eino Probably in Anonymous Village
Ingrid Probably in Vernworth
Joachim Probably in Vernworth
Judas Vernworth
Kittey Probably in Vernworth
Leo Probably in Vernworth
Marielle Probably in Vernworth
Nannsi Probably in Vernworth
Norah Vernworth
Norbert Melve
Peyton Probably in Vernworth
Pietro Probably in Vernworth
Ranvelt Probably in Vernworth
Sella Vernworth
Thom Probably in Vernworth
Timothy Checkpoint Relaxation City
Veronika Probably in Vernworth
Waz Vernworth
Zaft Probably on the Excavation Web site

Each NPC that items the Hawker’s Tome in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Dragon's Dogma 2 Visor
Screenshot: gamerjive

The Hawker Pawn Specialization will mean you can promote objects to that Pawn.

Listed below are all of the NPCs who will present the Hawker’s Tome to you.

NPC Title NPC location
Amritta Probably all the time on the transfer
Angus At all times on the transfer
Arletta Probably all the time on the transfer
Bastian Probably in Vernworth
Celica At all times on the transfer
Domingo At all times on the transfer
Dudley Vernworth
Evo At all times on the transfer
Ganora Probably all the time on the transfer
Georg Bakbattahl
Ines Checkpoint Relaxation City
Marcello Probably in Vernworth
Mia Melve
Montgomery Checkpoint Relaxation City
Svereth Probably all the time on the transfer
Zachary Excavation web site
Zonna Bakbattahl

Each NPC that items the Chirurgeon’s Tome in Dragon’s Dogma 2

How to spell sync in Dragon's Dogma 2
Screenshot: gamerjive

The Chirurgeon Pawn Specialization will enable that Pawn to use curatives to heal you and your Pawns when wanted.

Listed below are all of the NPCs who will present the Chirurgeon’s Tome to you.

NPC Title NPC location
Ariadne Vernworth
Braun Probably in Vernworth
Cecili Probably in Vernworth
Celina Vernworth
Corette Bakbattahl
Dean Vernworth
Elena Vernworth
Flora Vernworth
Frosst Probably in Vernworth
Gwen Vernworth
Jenniferr Vernworth
Jessika Vernworth
Josephine Vernworth
Kellen Vernworth
Linda Probably in Vernworth
Lottie Vernworth
Lysetta Probably in Anonymous Village or Harve Village
Marissa Vernworth
Marjory Vernworth
Marlene Probably in Vernworth
Maurits Bakbattahl
Mirthe Probably in Vernworth
Nirvane Vernworth
Pate Vernworth
Rachel Vernworth
Rionne Vernworth
Thiemothee Vernworth
Vergil Checkpoint Relaxation City
Viola Vernworth
Wendy Anonymous Village
Zennan Vernworth

Now that the place to get each Pawn Specialization Tome in Dragon’s Dogma 2, your Pawn will turn out to be much more helpful. And I’m certain they’ll employed way more typically.

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